Friday, July 4, 2008

Upon a more serious note...

The beginning of this blog has brought a lot of fun, and pictures that make us laugh. But I'd like to take a minute to reflect on a couple of things.

I respect Mike Casey, his wife, and the life that they are pouring into this ministry. I see just a glimpse of the effort that the two of them put forth. The call that the Lord has put on their lives would be over whelming to most, and yet the Lord is the one that gives the increase, the strength and the wisdom.

This Ministry helps hurting men that seek to be whole. They have come to a place in their lives where they are broken, convinced the life they've been living doesn't come from the Lord. They seek to be disciples of Jesus, and are committed to the rules of the house. They put their trust and faith in the earthly leader God has chosen. They believe God's Word to be true, and look towards God the Father daily for Bible studies in the morning, discipline throughout the day. Fellowship with each other. Matt. 16:25 says that whoever seeks to find his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake shall find it. These men have come to the place of loosing their lives...for the sake of Jesus who gave His life for them. This home is where God wants them. This home is the life that God has for them. It's not always easy. Men living together in tight quarters, tight schedules...having to trust each with each other. Life still happens.

I just wanted to say that I look to the Lord and see such compassion, such empathy, such a desire to fellowship with precious saints, and to make them whole. Not just these men, but all of us. Ours is a loving merciful God, never changing, ever lasting. How great is our God! Happy Independence Day.

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