Tuesday, July 29, 2008

In-N-Out Vs.Weight Watchers

Rumor has it that Pastor Nate has been praying for an In-N -Out Burger on the Peninsula. This will haunt me all of my days. Men coming into The Bridge are first Spiritually fed, and soon begin to fill their plates with various types of foods.....three squares a day....and then some. This results in what has become known as 'The Bridge Belly'. Not a very flattering addition! So as for me, In-N-Out Burger would be just one more addiction to fight. So I say - "In-N-Out Burger?!! - Not in my back yard!" Because of establishments like this, I begin to pray for more Weight Watchers on the Peninsula. So, who's side are you on? Pastor Nate's or mine? - Please vote on the left column, or by leaving a post or comment. This is simply a battle of good vs. evil. Thank you for your vote. - Mike C.


Anonymous said...

Dude! No contest! In-N-Out is worth a little Bridge Belly, baby!

I don't think you should be diving into such "heavy" subjects, Mike.

- Nate

Michael Parker said...

I think that it's just a little bit too soon to tell....there's only one vote right now, and I don't think that it's for the burger place. Make sure that your vote is counted, and we'll be watching to see if anyone is 'stuffing' the ballot!!!

Sara Beth said...

Mike-- I love ya but c'mon.. In-N-Out all the way! We'll have to have a serious convo about this when I get back...til then I'll be praying for you :P

Angela said...

IN-N-OUT used to rock, but now I wonder where's the BEEF? Thumbs up to Weight Watchers and keep up on the running regiment my brothers. Lean is healthy except when we're talking about hamburgers.