Wednesday, July 9, 2008

...and God added to thier numbers...

The Bridge has a new member named George. (Pictures forth coming). He's come to the Bridge via the Monterey Bay Teen Challenge Center in Pajaro. Check out their website HERE. Take a look at the short video they have about their mission.

I was with Mike most of today. Shared a lunch before going over to Pajaro and talking with one of the guys in charge there. Interviewed George and brought him to Pacific Grove. He's a very likable guy that's about 26 years old. Has talent as a carpenter, and our prayers are for him in the success of his stay at The Bridge. He went to CCMB for what I believe is his first time, and had the opportunity with all the rest of us to hear Assistant Pastor Geoff Buck teach out of Ecclesiastes. Great message, Geoff!

As I sat and listened to the dialog during the interview with George, I was struck with the fact that we all like sheep have gone astray. How it must break God's heart that we wander off and create such a mountain of misery for ourselves when all we have to do is obey. For some, a four letter word. For some, life itself. Jesus said "If you love me, you will obey my commands." Do you love Him?

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