Tuesday, March 30, 2010

No smoking celebration

Jordan and Mike celebrating their success in no smoking!!!!!!!! They are at famous Daves eating amazing ribs!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Trophy hand off

This week the trophy hand off goes to Chaz. Way to go Chaz!!!!!!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Pastor Roger & Janet passing through

This week The Bridge also had the privilege of hosting dear Roger and Janet. They were here tending to some things in town. It was such a blessing to have them here for a bit and truly be encouraged by them. It was fun, but more then that it was a blessing to see them, and be encouraged by them. Thanks for stopping by!
They send their love to all.

Painting with the PG City Chamber

This week some of the guys had a fun, but early morning helping get some things painted on the ground for the upcoming Good Old Days event. It was followed by a great breakfast at Victorian Corner in PG. Jordan and John had to leave before the picture, but they were there working hard as well. Thanks everyone for a great job and being up early, early!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Keep up the good work!!!!!

Here is Noah, handing off the weekly trophy to Jordan. Noah got the "finally got on the Ark" award two weeks ago. Then Noah handed off the trophy to Jordan last week, who got the "doubting Thomas" award. Jordan was doubting that people thought he was really doing a great job. Jordan has been doing a great job, pitching in and working, eager to learn new things. Way to go both of you!