Tuesday, July 8, 2008

MEW Monday Night

Last night, The Most Excellent Way gathered at CCMB. Worship, Word, Men, Women, Family groups....like in the days of Jesus? Without the flat bread, without the incredible region of the Galilee, but yes, like the days of Jesus. Coming together to seek the Lord. Coming together to fellowship, to encourage, to be taught.

Last night was the first in a long time that I had been to the MEW. In the Fireside room, a full compliment of worship team, including keyboards, lead guitar, female vocals, bass, percussion, rhythm guitars...they sounded great, and lead people to the Lord. The teaching, by Mike, was out of Hebrews 2, about sliding, spoke to many. Don't go back! was the message Mike was teaching. A great encouragement from the pulpit. Not worth it! Something even I needed to hear. The groups gathered and men spoke from their soul about the things they struggle with.

What an encouragement. You cannot find the transparency, the honesty or humbleness that God's people afford when truly given over to His purpose. This ministry is of God. It is recognizable because of the lives that are being changed and effected. "But earestly desire the higher gifts. And I will show you a still more excellent way. (1 Cor. 12:31)

1 comment:

Angela said...

Thanks you guys. What an awesome blog. Well done! Keep up the Lords work.
In His love,