Sunday, August 3, 2008

Change & Loss

We think of everyone who lives here at The Bridge as family. So things that happen both good and bad affect everyone. Our hearts and prayers are with one of our Bridge family members Jeff, who lost his Mom. She had been in the hospital and seemed to be improving, but she took a turn for the worse and passed away this morning. Jeff was able to visit her earlier in the week and he was glad to have gone. Getting another call yesterday wasn't expected and by God's grace he was able to coordinate transportation and make it back to her. Jeff has the comfort of knowing his Mom knew the Lord. What a relief when someone we love passes away to know where they are. But, Jeff would be blessed by your prayers for him and his family during this time.

We also had to make some hard decisions last night about one of the men living here. When people make bad choices that need to be dealt with it's so tricky. God, has a plan for everyone here. Sometimes people see that easily and sometimes they don't. We wish the best for everyone that comes through The Bridge even when they need to leave the program early.

On a happy note we had a blast at Spirit West Coast the last couple days, with The Bridge and Most Excellent folks. Most Excellent & The Bridge had an opportunity to serve in the Prayer Tent and to work Alter calls. It's a real privilege to watch peoples lives get touched. Stay tuned for more on that.

Michele & Mike


Sara Beth said...

Praying for you each

Anonymous said...

Jeff - I'm sad and glad at the same time. I'm glad that I got a chance to meet your mom. I know that she had a great influence in your life. My prayers are with you always. I'm glad that you have such a great cloud of witnesses to surround you in the journey you are taking. - Mike and Ellie