Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Bridge Board

This is a picture of the board that hangs in the little office at The Bridge. It depicts the guys that are a part of the program and various aspects of thier 'term'. The date that they'll be out, eligible to work, any blackout date that applys...even dates that they can look forward to in overcoming thier addictions. It shows a to-do list and also a wish list for some of the things that they'd like to have at The Bridge.
I've heard it said that 'Communication is Key', and I think that having a simple board like this, up where everyone can see, is very effective. What would God's board look like for us as believers? I'm sure that the first thing we'd look for is the 'out date', don't you think? But the board that we do have, that God has given us, is His Word. In it, we have all we need to know about our lives. How many times have you heard it said: 'His Word tells us....'? Everything that God wanted to communicate to us is in His Word. The Lambs Book of Life. Just meditate on that for a while. It's a list, just like the one on the board, that says who's in....and sadly, who's not. Let's not lose sight of how precious we are to Him who loves us.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Nice encouragement.