Monday, March 23, 2009

We are hoping to expand. Read on to find out how you can help. We have applied for our use permit to expand from 6 residents to 12 residents. We are very excited about stepping through this process. However, all the support we can get is welcomed and appreciated. We have been given a list of fire regulations that we need to meet. We are in the process of doing that now. In addition to that we have a public hearing scheduled on Thursday, April 2nd at 300 Forest Ave in Pacific Grove at 6:00. We would love to have your prayers of support, letters of support, or if you would like have you there in person as public support. Please call the office at 372-2033 for more information or with questions. As you can see from the pictures we have to post a sign in our yard letting people know our intentions. In addition we also had to mail out 159 letters notifying our surrounding neighbors of our intention. Our hearts desire is to be able to expand, and to continue being good neighbors. Thank you for your prayers and support!

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