Thursday, October 23, 2008

Taste Test

It's the Real Thing! Do you remember that slogan? Tonight at The Bridge there will be a taste test to see if people really do know what the real thing is. A test of taste. How is it that someone could boldly proclaim that they can pick out the one true taste of Coca Cola amongst a field of impostors or alternatives? It's only because they have known and are familiar with what 'The Real Thing' is.

Do you realize that this is what our faith should show? If something comes along that is counterfeit, those who have had 'The Real Thing', a relationship with the One True and Living God of the Universe, to know the Second Deity of the Trinity and the way He speaks into our hearts, the One that knows the hairs on our head and the number of our days...are you getting the picture? We should know what our God, our Father is really like. We should be so familiar with Him to such an intimate level that if something came up and people were saying 'This is from the Lord', we should be able to say 'This is the Real Thing!'

My prayer is that The Bridge Guys could discern and proclaim 'The Real Thing' to those around them, and that Jesse isn't going to choose RC Coca Cola over Coke!

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